Become a Member

Join the Florida Sculptors Guild today and get your work out there!

We meet on Zoom or in person at 7:00 p.m. on the first Monday of every other month. The year starts on the first Monday in January. New members pay a $50 administration fee plus their yearly membership dues of $50. Please note, this is applicable at the time of joining, and is non-transferrable to the following year.

Dues are yearly and payable by December 31 of that year. Your first payment of $100 includes your membership dues for one year. Payments are non-refundable.

So what’s on the application? It has two parts and takes five minutes unless you break for coffee! We have shows, exhibits, festivals, commissions and more, so contact information is a must.  Rest assured, your information is private and Never shared. The second part is all about you, the artist. 

Also, please read our Terms and Conditions  at any time. We update periodically without notice.

Please tell us how best to contact you.

Please tell us a bit about you. If you have an artist statement, please email it.

  • Contact Information
  • Tell us about you
Your contact info.
About the artist.
What material(s) do you work in?
Please select volunteer areas of interest.

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