reVision: “Seeing by Hand”™ Exhibit
The reVision: “Seeing by Hand”™ Exhibit was created to raise awareness about the Blind and Low-Vision (BLV) community. Through sculpture, the BLV and sighted communities can share a common love for art.
The Exhibit features original artwork created by the Florida Sculptors Guild members and narrated by the artist. The sculptures are resilient, easy to clean art that is safe to touch. The exhibit space is designed for safe navigation for the BLV community and their human or animal guides. Proximity to sculptures is indicated by commercial-grade textured tile. Prior to our first exhibit, members were trained as human guides from a blind organization. We understand that safety is an integral part of the experience.
Our hosted exhibits run for a period of time at one of the local galleries. The Immersive Studio is the activity part of the exhibition. Requested, on-site exhibits and Immersive Studios are smaller in size and arranged by organizations hosting the event.
For more information, please contact us.